We are grateful for the thousands of churches and ministries that are participating in this Global Esther Fast. We are identifying those that desire to be a “HUB” and participate in an Esther Strike. These HUBs will provide various resources which may include daily updates, prayer guides, live chats, live web stream of prayer meetings and more. The directory lists the website and/or ministry app in order to mobilize and equip others.
For a ministry to be a Global Esther Fast HUB, we are asking:
Put info about the Global Esther Fast on your home page and social media with the PDF that provides more info about it. (PDF to come)
Host at least one Esther Strike virtually or in-person (in your church, prayer room, home, office, dorm, etc.) for 3 days/nights.
Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them. (Matthew 18:20).
Be committed to the Global Esther Fast as set forth in Esther 4 to overcome the spirit of Amalek.
We want to make it easy for those in your area that are looking for a local group of believers to find you. If you are planning to host in-person meetings during your Esther Strike, select yes AND be sure to include meeting information on your website
We respect your privacy and will never share your contact information with any third party.
In Person or Virtual Prayer Meetings
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