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These videos are intended to bring you voices and biblical messages from Israel to inform intercession. Please share them on your social media and amongst your circles of influence. Why not in your local congregation too?
Voices From Israel

Return Ministries
IDF Srg. Major Chaim Malespin - 10 Prayer Points for Israel | Global Esther Fast
IDF Sergeant Major Chaim Malespin shares 10 prayer points for Israel amidst the ongoing war in Gaza.
Chaim Malespin is the director of the Aliyah Return Center based in the Galilee. Husband, father, director and now called up to serve inside in his position of Sergeant Major in an elite unit of the IDF. Chaim carries a passion for his faith, family, people and nation.
Connect with Chaim and the Aliyah Return Center:
Website -
YouTube: @AliyahReturnCenter
Emergency Aid Initiative:
For more information:
Global Esther Fast:
Return Ministries:
Tiffany Pardue:
Altar of Prayer:

Return Ministries
Jewish and Arab Unity in Prayer - Chantal Hess | Global Esther Fast
Join Chantal Hess of the Summit House of Prayer in Jerusalem in praying for continued and expanded unity in the body of believers here in the land.
Connect with Summit House of Prayer:
King of Kings Jerusalem:
For more information:
Global Esther Fast:
Return Ministries:
Tiffany Pardue:
Altar of Prayer:

Return Ministries
Albert Veksler 'Dad, we don't have bulletproof vests' | Global Esther Fast
Join Albert Veksler and his wife Heli as they share with us the very personal and heartfelt need on the Israeli front lines for bulletproof vests. Their son like many others went into the combat zone without a vest. This grassroots call for help comes from parents not only for their own, but also for all combat units that do not have this vital protection. We fast, we pray, we give and we act.
Giving link towards bulletproof vests:
IMPORTANT: Leave a note in the "Remarks" section that your donation is specifically for bulletproof vests.
Albert Veksler is the director of the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast. In 2008, Veksler, who worked for years as the CEO for various nongovernmental organizations, founded JPBM Consulting, which manages projects in team development and training, NGO structuring and coalition building.
For more information:
Global Esther Fast:
Return Ministries:
Tiffany Pardue:
Altar of Prayer:

Return Ministries
Turning Pain into Purpose, Widow Joelle Eckstein | Global Esther Fast
There are many new widows in Israel today. Joelle Eckstein opens up and shares what it is to be a widow and how she found purpose through the pain of losing her husband Rabbi Eckstein. Learn how you can be praying and supporting widows in Israel.
Connect with Joelle Eckstein
YouTube: @forodeviudas
Apple Podcast:
The Rabbi's Wife Book:
Global Esther Fast:
Return Ministries:
Tiffany Pardue:
Altar of Prayer:
Music From Israel

1000 Israeli musicians sing with one voice, BRING THEM HOME! - Homeland concert
We wanted to share this inspirational music video produced in the Caesarea Amphitheatre by over 1000 Israelis, some who are families of the hostages held by Hamas Terrorists. Please share this powerful concert and comment below to show your support for the victims and hostages!
Vision & Production: TALYA YAROM
Music Arrangement: ERAN MITELMAN
The national musical flagship project "HOMELAND CONCERT" - for the purpose of returning the hostages home, took place last week, with the participation of 1,000 musicians and singers from all over the country to the Caesarea Amphitheatre, playing and singing en mass music show.
The official international music video is already broadcast and has already caused a sensation all over the world.
The entire event and music industry in Israel mobilized in full voluntarism for the benefit of its production.
The concert was initiated and produced by senior producer Talya Yarom,
Musical management - the musician Eran Mitelman, conductor - maestro Mark Wollach (Israel Opera Orchestra), Directors - Shilo Gallay and Danny Casson.
This musical show is on the largest and most significant scale that has ever been done in Israel! And has already brought many echoes overseas as well.
The families of the hostages also joined the photo day with mass singing, and together with the orchestras and rock musicians - we crossed all possible boundaries!

Ariel Zurayev - אריאל זוראייב
עם אחד - One Nation
עם ישראל היקר זה השיר של כולנו...
כשישבנו יחד לכתוב את השיר, היינו ללא מילים,
על מה כותבים? על הזוועות שעברנו? הרי כל אחד יודע מה עברנו
וכמה נפשות טהורות איבדנו.
אנחנו מאמינים בכל ליבנו שהכוח שלנו כעם ישראל
זה להיות ביחד וזה מדהים כמה זה מוכיח את עצמו כל פעם מחדש
השיר נועד כדי להחזיר את התקווה
ולהזכיר לנו כשאנחנו עם אחד אף אחד לא יכול עלינו .
אנחנו נעבור את זה וננצח ביחד !
אריאל באיסנטגרם :
אריאל בטיקטוק :
אריאל בפייסבוק :
קרדיטים - "עם אחד"
מילים ולחן : אריאל זוראייב , יונתן גירץ ויהודה קפלן
עיבוד והפקה מוזיקלית : אריאל זוראייב
קלידים: יהודה קפלן
גיטרות : אריאל זוראייב
קלידים ותכנותים : אריאל זוראייב
קולות רקע : אריאל זוראייב
מיקס מאסטר : אופיר וינבוים
הקליפ הופק באהבה על ידי: "גירץ הפקות"
בימוי שיר וקליפ: יונתן גירץ
מפיקה ראשית: מאי דיין
ללא מילים
ללא תחושות
אין מנוס ממחשבות ...
יש פה קרע לא מוסבר
איך שרים כשלב נשבר
אני פה מול החדשות ..
לא מעכל את הדמעות
אם אנחנו עם נבחר
איך נחרט גורל אכזר
ואין תשובות
ערפל כבד נחת עכשיו
למי פונים ?
הנשמה פצועה בקרב
( שמע ישראל אומרים יחדיו )
עוד לא אבדה תקותנו
להיות חופשי בארצנו
שמע כולנו עם אחד
עוד לא אבדה תקותנו
להיות חופשי בארצנו
שמע כולנו עם אחד
אי אפשר לתאר במילים תזוועות
הנפש פצועה רק רצינו לרקוד
לא רוצים עוד לראות אמהות שבוכות
מה כבר ביקשנו בשקט לחיות ?
אין לנו ארץ אחרת
גם אם האדמה פה בוערת
אז די לפילוג , די לשנאה
מסתכלים עלינו מנצלים תחולשה
זה הזמן לאהוב להפיץ תתקווה
להרים את הראש לחייך חזרה
כי כולנו אחים לא רק במלחמה
עם ישראל זו אותה משפחה
אנחנו ננצח ואין פה ספקות
בהיסטוריה ניצחנו בכל הקרבות
וכל השונאים יאללה ביי
עם ישראל חי !
תודה מיוחדת לכל גופי התקשורת שלנו:
"פוש״, כאן 11, קשת 12, רשת 13, עכשיו 14, ״וויינט״, דובר צה״ל, דוברות חיל הים, דוברות חיל האוויר.
תודה לצלמים ושותפים:
אושר רחמים, יהודה ברגשטיין, רייצ׳ל שטרן.
כל הכנסות השיר כמובן יתרמו!
(בעזרת ה׳ כשיכבוש את לבבות עם ישראל)
לפרטי התקשרות והפצה - תמיד כאן בשבילכם:
0545209599 - יוני
Dear people of Israel, this is a song for all of us...
When we sat together to write the song, we were speechless. What are you writing about? About the horrors we went through? Everyone knows what we went through
and how many pure souls we lost.
We believe with all our hearts that our strength is the people of Israel.
The song is meant to restore hope and remind us that no one can over us when we are together.
We will get through this and win together!
Credits - "One Nation"
Lyrics and music: Ariel Zuraev, Yehuda Kaplan and Yonatan Girtz
Arrangement and musical production: Ariel Zuraev
Guitars: Ariel Zurayev
Keyboards and programming: Ariel Zuraev
Keyboards: Yehuda Kaplan
Background voices: Ariel Zurayev
Mix Master: Ofir Weinbaum
Assistant director: May Dayan
The clip was lovingly produced by: "Girtz Productions"
without words
without feelings
There is no escape from thoughts...
There is an unexplained tear here
How to sing when the heart is broken?
I'm here in front of the news..
does not digest the tears
If we are a chosen people
How a cruel fate was carved
And there are no answers
A heavy fog has now descended
Who do you contact?
The soul is wounded in battle
(Shma Israel is saying together)
Our hope is not lost yet
To be free in our country,
Shma Israel. We are all one nation.
The horrors cannot be described in words
The soul is wounded; we just wanted to dance
Don't want to see crying mothers anymore.
What have we asked to live in peace?
We have no other country,
Even if the ground here is on fire,
So enough of division, enough of hatred
They look at us and take advantage of a weakness
This is the time to love and spread hope
Rise your head and smile back
Because we are all brothers not only in war
The people of Israel are family
We will win, and there are no doubts
In history we won all the battles
And all the haters, Yalla bye!
Israel Lives!
Special thanks to all our media:
"Posh", Kan 11, Keshet 12, Reshet 13, now 14, "Ynet", IDF spokesperson, Navy spokespersons, and Air Force spokespersons.
Thanks to the photographers and partners:
Osher Rahim, Yehuda Bergstein, Rachel Stern and so many more people we tried to reach.
For contact and distribution details - always here for you:
0545209599 - Yoni
![It Begins | Zeh Matkhil (Live) [Worship Session]@SOLUIsrael](
Shilo Ben Hod
It Begins | Zeh Matkhil (Live) [Worship Session]@SOLUIsrael
As the war in Israel is raging, we wanted to release one voice, Jews and Arabs together - sisters and brothers in Messiah Yeshua, crying out to the Lord of Hosts to move in our Land!
We believe Abba is calling His people to set our eyes on Him, to behold the Lamb that was slain for the sin of the world, and to not give up until we see Him, our Salvation, and His Kingdom come.
Help continue putting out these videos, support our ministry in Israel(more than making videos:))
Filmed at @SuccatHallelHouseOfPrayer , where we started writing this song, we invite you to join in prayer and to intercede, to take your place on the walls of Jerusalem, and to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and to believe for Revival in Israel and the whole middle east! THE BEST IS YET TO COME-
Huge thanks to all of the 70 worshippers who gave their heart, love, and time in order to record this live worship video.
Our heart is full of gratitude for Anna & KJ W who covered the expense of this video❤️
עברית -
English -
Worship Team: Yazid Sakhnini, Nizar Francis, Yedidyah, Sarah & Shilo Ben Hod, Jeremiah, Levi & Rebekah Davis, Nethanel Buehler.
Filmed by Aspiring Productions!
Mix by Eli Ben Moshe of @AshiraProject
Special Thanks to all the translators who gave their time and skill freely to make the subtitles!
Stay Connected:
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Song Lyrics in English:
We’ve heard of your fame, we’ve seen your work
Our hearts are in awe before such a wonderful God
We’ve sang all the songs, we’ve prayed all of the prayers
And still we are left with hunger for more
To see You conquering/taking over the stage
To see You work in the congregation
It’s been years that we’ve been waiting for You
You’ve promised that You will pour Your Spirit out
It begins here, it begins right now
It begins here, as we are on our knees together
We make place for You, we’re clearing out the time
It is what You desire
As we are on our knees together
That it won't be possible to ignore
and it won’t be possible to avoid
We will get out of indifference and wake up
You’ve promised that You will pour out Your Spirit
Even if we sang all the songs
Or even if we prayed all the prayers
We won’t stop singing now
We won’t stop worshipping You
Until we’ll see You, until we’ll know You
Until we’ll be with You, We won’t stop singing
We won’t stop worshipping You
#hebrewworship one new man
00:00 Worship in Hebrew
00:38 Instrumental Worship
00:54 Hebrew
02:27 Instrumental
02:42 Worship in Arabic
04:46 Hebrew Choir
05:17 Mixed Languages
05:49 Spontaneous Worship
06:04 Even if we sang all the songs
English Translation:
![Moriah (Genesis 22) | [LIVE] in Jerusalem | For Glory & For Beauty](
For Glory & For Beauty
Moriah (Genesis 22) | [LIVE] in Jerusalem | For Glory & For Beauty
Moriah (Genesis 22)
This song was birthed from an encounter with God's heart, based on Genesis 22. Beginning with Abraham offering up his son of promise as a sacrifice to God, leading to the sacrifice of Yeshua, on the very same Mount, many thousands of years later, being the lamb stained, fulfilling the Father's will, bringing many sons and daughters to glory (Hebrews 2:10).
"Moriah" was filmed and recorded with modern-day Mount Moriah in the backdrop, on the rooftop of Succat Hallel. May God move the hearts of many through this song, and may the revelation of Yeshua bring many sons and daughters back to Himself.
Vocals: Grace Esther Ng
Guitar: Emanuel Roro (@EmanuelRoro @EmanuelRoroMusic)
Keys: Grace Esther Ng
Cello: Eliana @lavioloncellista
Dancers: Vern & Celine
Live sound recording:Avi Perrodin @aviperrodin, Flaysher Itay
Mixing & Mastering: Ernest Foo IG: @saylahstudios
Video production: Jeremiah Kaufman @jeremiahkaufman
Special thanks to Succat Hallel and Burning Hearts SG.
Follow us on
IG handle: @forglory.forbeauty
Available on all platforms
Moriah (Genesis 22)
To the land of Moriah, Abraham took His son
At the word of the Elohim, he said, “Here I am, I will go”
He split the wood for the offering and laid it on his son of promise
Whom on his shoulders he would bear to the place where he’d be slained
His son said, “Abba, where’s the lamb for the offering?”
He said, “My son, the LORD will provide”
“Here’s my son, my only son,
Here’s the one that I love,
I offer up to You Adonai”
Up on the Mount of Moriah, on the altar he built,
Abraham stretched his hand out to slay his beloved son,
The Angel of the Lord cried out, “Abraham! Abraham!”
“Do no lay your hand upon him, see the Lamb will take his place!”
His son said, “Abba, see the lamb for the offering!”
He said, “My son, the LORD will provide!”
“Here’s my son, my only son,
Here’s the one that I love,
I offered up for You”
On the very same mount, many thousand years later
The Son of Man was lifted up on the cross of Calvary
The Father turned His face away from His only begotten Son
The Lamb of God was slained to fulfill the Father's will
He said
“Here’s My Son, My only Son,
Here’s the One that I love,
I've offered up for you,
Whom I love, I’ve given Him for you
Because of love, I’ve given Him to you."
Yeshua, Yeshua
Written by Grace Esther Ng
© 2023 For Glory & For Beauty Music
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